Saturday, March 21, 2015

Volcan Poas Cures All!

Today, I went to Volcan Poas (Poas Volcano) with two friends. After a week of tears and stress, today was perfect. My trip to Volcan Poas reminded me why I am here, that everything will work out, and allowed me to forget about all of my worries and troubles that I experienced last week. Do not worry, nothing horrible has happened! I just experienced the normal "I have been here almost two months and am struggling a little bit" conversations with myself! Volcan Poas gave me time to reflect, relax, and enjoy the beauty of the Earth, of Costa Rica, and of my time here. 

While the volcano was covered in clouds all day (what a bummer), we still managed to hike around a gorgeous lake and pose for pictures with the lake, or lagoon. The hike was a little bit strenuous, but it felt great! Today was one of my favorite days thus far :)

The Lake, or Lagoon

The Volcano Covered in Clouds

Leaves in the "Cloud Forest" that indigenous people used for writing letters and important documents.

The Lake or Lagoon

Una Buena Vista de Valle Central (A Pretty View of the Central Valley)




  1. Caitlin,

    Sorry you have been a bit down...but very glad to hear that today you have conquered it and moved on!!! You are in a beautiful place, explore and see as much as you can. I know the birds of Costa Rico are absolutely gorgeous, keep an eye out! Take care of yourself and know that I think of you quite often!


  2. It was fun reading your blog and see the awesome pictures. Miss you lots!

