Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tranquilla, Pura Vida!

Today, my alarm did not go off. Today, I took a taxi to school after my mom and I frantically ran around the house at 7:55am when class started at 8:00am.  Today, my professor greeted me by saying "Tranquilla, tranquilla, esta bien" as I walked into class twenty minutes late (thank goodness my group presented second!).  Sunday, I woke up after what I thought was a long night of sleep. Sunday, Costa Rica did not have a time change but my Samsung Galaxy S5 did have a time change. Saturday, my friends and I were lost in the rain outside of a fabulous mall. Saturday, I stopped a few buses in the middle of the street before we found the correct one. Saturday, the bus driver let us on the bus in the middle of the street (I assume because we looked like desperate gringos who were not prepared for the rain). Saturday, I almost fell a few different times as I stood in the aisle of the bus and my friends just laughed hysterically! Friday, my dad and brother-in-law gave me directions to the mall. I needed 45 minutes of directions and explanations before I understood. But on Saturday, I got us to the mall without any issues (just not home!).  "Tranquilla, Cait, Tranquilla!"

Sunday, I went to church with my host dad. My family goes to the Catholic Church that is across the street from our house. I witnessed eight baptisms at the beginning of the service and the water part at the end of the service. Catholic baptisms in Costa Rica are very different than Presbyterian baptisms in the United States. Yet, they are so similar. I enjoyed Mass very much because the Priest on Sunday talked much slower than the Priest on Ash Wednesday. I understood some of what was being said and I also followed along in the bulletin. The bulletin was on fancy paper and I believe each person paid a few cents for their bulletin. I am going to try to start going to church here on a regular basis, but I miss FPC Troy very much! Tranquilla!

My Spanish improves every day. I catch myself when I use the wrong conjugation of a verb. I study extra every day to ensure that when I leave “yo puedo hablar espanol con fluidez.” People that met me when I arrived constantly tell me that my Spanish has improved so much. I am excited to see what the next three months hold! Life here is treating me very well J If anyone wants to help me, text me in Spanish and insist that I only respond in Spanish! Pura Vida!

Last Friday at the Zumba event with my host sister's friends

My host sister is on the far right, she is the mom of the little girl in some of my photos

Our group at Plaza Lincoln (the mall)

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