Tuesday, March 3, 2015



Grandfather, thank you for the support and encouragement. Thank you for the love you shared with grandmother for over 50 years. Thank you for instilling the value of education in your children. Thank you for passing on drama in our blood, even if being a drama queen is sometimes silly. Thank you for encouraging me to be a Queen at Queens. Thank you for the silly game we used to play while you “slept” in your favorite yellow chair. Thanks for smacking the same banana and toast with peanut butter every morning and then washing it down with orange juice. Thank you for encouraging me to write (or telling me I needed to write) so that one day when I was old, I could look back and remember everything exciting and challenging that happened during my life; to be more like Grandmother. Thank you for marrying Grandmother, having my dad, encouraging him to be a minister and to marry my mom, and for loving your grandchildren so very much. And thank you for rubbing our backs and singing us to sleep every night we were with you (Noelle, Rachel, and me).

3 years ago when Grandfather died suddenly, my world was turned upside down. I thought I might not survive. I questioned everything. Why? How? Now? But he did not get to try out his new route to Ohio via Charlotte?

Now, I still do not know why it happened. But, God always has a plan. The last two years, I have spent this day with Grandmother. We celebrated Grandfather’s life and looked through a crazy amount of photos. We cried on each other’s shoulders and laughed as we watched home videos. I am longing to be with Grandmother today.

I know that no matter where I am in the world, I am with Grandfather. I am only an email, a phone call, or a text away from Grandmother. I know that when I look in the sky of Costa Rica tonight, I am looking at the same moon Grandmother is looking at. I am watching the stars which show me Grandfather is watching down on me, even in Costa Rica.

Grandfather, you changed me. You influenced me. When I am struggling to write in Spanish or when I just need a break, I know you are supporting me. I know you are encouraging me from heaven. And I know your wife, one of the most wonderful women in the world, is always there when I need or want her. I love you, Grandfather. Three years ago tonight was the worst night of my life. Now I am reminiscing, crying, and missing you. But, I know how proud you are of me. I know you are with me. And I know that God continues to have a plan. And that is enough.


  1. Caitlin,

    What a beautiful tribute to your Grandfather...I know how much you (all of you) miss him...but he is still with you in all those wonderful memories!!! Losing our loved ones is so darn hard and so often a time that one questions everything. I hold you in my prayers right now and hope you have had a special moment today that has helped!

    Take care & love,

  2. Oh sweet Caitlin - what a beautiful post. How blessed we all are to have had such a wonderful man in our lives
