Sunday, March 1, 2015

Last Week's Firsts

Last Week's Firsts 

Last week was full of firsts for my time in Costa Rica. I had my first group project. I gave my first presentation in front of only ticos. I felt a tiny bit homesick. I felt frustrated with my Spanish writing and grammar abilities. I got my fingerprints taken. I gained a pet in my bedroom! I went to a Zumba event with over 500 people. I went to a reggae concert, which doubled as attending my first student organized event at UNA. I went for two long runs, both at the hottest time of day.

Let me begin with a funny first that occurred this week. After a long morning of walking around San Jose and then getting my fingerprints taken for my Visa, the only thing I needed was a cold shower and a nap. As I woke up from my refreshing nap, I spotted a gecko (lizard, whatever you want to call it,) on the wall of my bedroom. I have not felt any fear in Costa Rica until the gecko was in my room! Because it disappeared when I looked away for one second (I was standing on my bed in my nightgown freaking out), I am still not sure if it is living in my bed or my dresser, but as my host sister told me “that is not significant at all, geckos are your friends!” Alas, I have (or had, I am not sure yet) a new pet that I am quite afraid of. And as I told my host sister, “I don’t like animals or bugs, I prefer humans!”

My biggest firsts of the week were feeling a tiny bit homesick and feeling frustrated with my Spanish writing and grammar abilities. The homesickness feeling occurred because of my rough day which was caused by feeling like I do not know very much. Classes are hard. I never really understand what professors say and if I do, I only partly understand them.  Normally, I just make a joke about the situation and work harder and move on. But, when I am learning new grammar and cannot even remember basic grammar off the top of my head for practices, I begin to be frustrated. I talk to people all day long and they always understand me and I usually understand them. Now, it is just a matter of not becoming frustrated. I spent all day Saturday translating for practice and working on new verbs.

On the plus side, my struggles have led to me making many new friends. My first group project and group presentation went well. After I read the material alone, one chica from my group sat down with me and went over every part to make sure that I understood everything. I even began our presentation with a joke for the class! Each class, I have special people sit by me that help me understand what is going on.  They've turned into friends that also invite me home, which is by the beach, with them for the weekend!

The frustration and stress of my week came to an end when I went to a huge Zumba event, which doubled as a fundraiser for a high school. The event was over two hours of Zumba with over 500 people. We all wore glow sticks and there were disco balls. Some people painted their entire bodies, but we decided to opt out of that part of the event! My host sister and her friends were so sweet to me. My friends and I went out to what we call “Times Square, Heredia” last night and today I went to a local festival with my host dad. We walked there using a route he walks a few times a week and a route he thinks will be perfect for my weekly runs. The festival was a benefit for cancer, I believe it would be the equivalent to Relay for Life events. We showed up just in time for a "Beatles Special," so it was fun to hear some of my favorite CISV songs being played and hearing them sung with a tico accent.

I am excited about what adventures this week will hold. I plan to do extra work for the next few weeks to get all of my Spanish verbs straightened out. I will continue to talk to anyone and everyone that I encounter, so no worries about me speaking the language :)

Thanks for keeping in touch!

1 comment:

  1. Caitlin,

    I am so sorry you are a bit homesick, you are missing so much...6" of snow, roads a mess, maybe 50 people at church today, cold as heck, etc.!!! Sounds like you have made friends who will make you feel better and help you with the language. I have total faith in you!

    Take care & love,
