Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Fundacion Bontanica y Zoologica de Barranquilla

  Fundacion Bontanica y Zoologica de Barranquilla

 In Colombia, there are numerous holidays. I keep asking people why Mondays are holidays, but I have yet to find out and understand. Monday was a holiday, so most people were off work. Gina, Gina's nephews (Jesus David and Paul David), and I ventured to the Zoo of Barranquilla. We took tons of photos and most of them do not need enjoy experiencing the Zoo of Barranquilla through our eyes!

Bienvenidos a la Zoo!

"Thanksgiving time!" -Gina

I matched the zebra!

"Elephants don't eat people." -Omar

This animal has a striking resemblance to Mario Bolivar!

The Cousins

My favorite creatures of the day.

The Food Court

Our Family at the Zoo

The animals were all exhausted.

Going to the zoo in a different country was fun because I was able to practice my Spanish by naming all of the animals. It was neat being able to compare and contrast the names of each animal with Paul David and Jesus David. Unlike our zoos in the United States, everything was very close together. We walked slowly through each exhibit and had seen everything within two hours. Almost the entire zoo is covered by beautiful trees and plants, so there is not a high chance of being sun burned. However, the shade did not keep me from turning my normal bright red color from the heat!

After the zoo, we ate lunch at Gina's mother's home. I ate the best soup I have ever had in my entire life (shredded chicken, yellow potatoes, white potatoes, corn, and basil or something similar). Being with my Colombian family, on a holiday, at the zoo, was wonderful!

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