Wednesday, July 2, 2014

First Recognitions

First Recognitions

                Yesterday, after working out at the gym with Jair, we went grocery shopping. I picked up some Colombian food as gifts for friends and was ready to check-out. When it was my turn, Jair gave the woman his telephone number for grocery store points and I proceeded to answer all of her questions (credit or debit, what is your quota, what is your license number, etc.). After I responded to her, without the help of Jair, I was extremely proud of myself. I was also proud of myself because earlier in the evening I called one of our friends and invited her to hang out with us after the game on Friday and I spoke with fluidity and very quickly and she understood! When these small events occur in my daily life in Barranquilla, I cannot help but to celebrate. These days I know the address of my home, I know the names of the malls that we frequently go to, and I usually have an idea of the area of the city that we are driving through. I am beginning to, not only connect with the people, but connect with the language and the city.

                When I get into a taxi with Gina, I know what address or place to give the driver. I recognize the Jeno’s Pizza that is down the street from our house and the daycare center that is near the church. I know where Americano mall is in relation to El Colegio Americano and how to get from my house to the office of the Presbytery. I recognize people that I have met at church when I run into them at the store.

                My recognition of new words is amazing and my vocabulary has improved immensely. I learn countless new words each day…and I remember less than half of them! But, when someone uses the word again, I recognize it and eventually remember the meaning! Today, while waiting on Jair in the bank, I decided to shop in the stores nearby and I tried on clothes and bought them while only speaking Spanish with the employees. Of course, my motivation for speaking with the employees was cute new shoes and a fabulous dress, but I did it! I connect with the people, the language, and this city (and the mall) more and more each day.

                I recognize myself learning more about the language, the people, and the city each day. I recognize different buildings and different people. I recognize my new found passion for the Spanish language. I recognize my Colombian self!

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