Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week 7

       One of my good friends just reminded me that we are in Week 7 out of our 13 weeks in D.C. I am so sad! Time passes very quickly here in D.C. As I have mentioned before, there is always somewhere to go, something to do, and someone to see. The past two weeks have been filled with visitors and reminiscing on old times with old friends while learning about my new friends.

       My birthday was October 8 and I had a hard time understanding that as I grow up, not every birthday will be as crazy or spectacular as the last. But, life is not always thrilling and exciting (I am just lucky enough that my life generally is). However, birthdays always have been and always will be special days. I woke up to a video from my sister and her roommates who video recorded themselves singing me "Happy Birthday." I received many voicemails from singing loved ones and a super special video was left for me on Facebook. I received birthday cards, birthday hugs, and many birthday calls. My mom even brought me homemade pumpkin bread and gifts along with homemade cookies from Janie the day after my birthday! My coworkers took me out to lunch. We ate El Salvadorian food (one of my new favorite types of food) and they all made me feel very special...a birthday would not be complete without "Happy Birthday" in English and then 3-4 versions in Spanish (thank you to my coworkers and the Bolivars for that!). I had night class and a midterm on my birthday and ended the night with one of my best friends from Queens, friends from TWC, and my group members from a class project. My birthday was different, it was not overwhelmingly exciting, but I felt special. I think I learned that growing up is not always exciting, but there is always someone or something there to remind you how you are loved, whether it is your oldest friends, family members, or new friends from group projects!!

      My birthday celebrations ended with a birthday lunch that included my mom, sister, and five friends. We went to a Mexican restaurant (I cannot stray away from Mexican food on my birthday, although I really miss La Fiesta!) and then enjoyed walking around Georgetown in the afternoon. My mom and Rachel spent the weekend in D.C. with me. We did lots of tourist activities and went into Old Town, Alexandria for brunch on Saturday. My sister was able to go on two college visits and we were all able to spend lots of time together (including all sleeping in the same little room!). I loved being the tour guide and spending time with them in a new place.

     The week after my birthday was my first long week of work, meaning that I was busy, busy, busy and felt stressed for the first time since being at my internship. I had a really weird experience because I was stressed and exhausted, but I was gaining tons of valuable experience at the same time, which led me to be super excited!

     I was able to continue being a tour guide when my best friend from Troy came to D.C. for her fall break. We enjoyed all of the tourist activities together and it was so fun to be reunited in D.C., of all places! We went to the MLK Jr. Memorial for both of our first times. I think it is a beautiful memorial with a very good idea behind it, but I wish that it was more on the main line of memorials instead of off of the Mall. But, either way, it was neat to see a new memorial and of such an important and influential man. I was also able to take my friend to one of my seminars for TWC. We went to the Human Rights Campaign building and learned all about their programs and how their large non-profit is run...it was a very cool experience to share!

   My last two weeks in D.C. have been different and exciting. I loved having my family and then my best friend here. I feel like it is my job to make everyone love D.C. as much as I do. I ended my crazy two weeks by reading my dad's blogs of his last month of sermons. Now, every time I am using the map app or taking a selfie, I am thinking about his sermons and the context and connections those provided for me! Needless to say, I do miss FPC Troy, but connecting through the blogs was a nice way to end my Sunday night.
    The next couple of weeks promise to be thrilling, as I like them to be. Tomorrow, I will attend the finale of Hispanic Heritage Month with some of my coworkers. This Friday, I will have a photo-op with Speaker Boehner. This Saturday is Nueva Vida's Annual Zumbathon, which I have been helping to plan and prepare for so I am excited to see how everything turns out. On Sunday, my friends and I have plans to carve pumpkins and drink apple cider. Next week, I will focus on learning new tasks at work and maybe dive into some grant-writing.

      Thank you to everyone for your continued support and for reading my (sometimes silly) blog posts. I love catching everyone up on life in D.C. and maybe you will fall in love with D.C. through my writing and decide you need to move here, too :) 

D.C. with my BFF

Birthday Lunch

Typical tourist photo with the fam

Reppin' Nueva Vida's new shirts at work

Lincoln Memorial, Snapchat Selfie

1 comment:

  1. Dear Caitlin,

    So glad to find a new addition to your blog!!! How wonderful to have your Mom and sister be with you on your birthday weekend! Yes, birthdays as you grow up are different from when you were a child; in some ways they are better cause you can have some control over them! :-) Glad your best friend came to visit, I think I met her with you at Winan's, super nice friend!

    Hard to believe that you are so close to being finished with your internship, that's going to be hard on you as you certainly have adopted your new town, life, people you are working with, etc. So very proud of you!

    Just so happens our younger son, Kyle, is in DC as of yesterday at a Signator's Financial
    Consultants meeting, he had a speech today and says it went over extremely well!

    So neat to have a photo-op with Speaker John Boehner, being a Republican I happen to like him a lot!:-) Sort of neat though getting a picture with him as an Ohio resident no matter what your politics are!!!

    Have fun with your Zumbathon, good job on all your work with it, enjoy!!!

    Worship Committee meeting tonight, hard to believe but we were planning for Harvest Table and then Advent...I am not sure where the time has gone, I swear we just did this!!! Your Dad came in after being at a couple of other meetings. Going to look into getting some new Christmas roping, bows, and ??? Last Sunday was sad, only about 94 in the Sanctuary...we are going to have to work on improving that. So hard on your Dad, it's not his fault, I think it's too many sports on Sundays, too busy of lifestyles, and I'm just not sure what else. darn it.

    Have a wonderful week and keep us all posted on how your life is going!!!

    Mario & Mel's baby looks so cute, so happy for them!

