Monday, November 9, 2015

To the Woman Who Bought My Chai Latte:

To the Woman Who Bought My Chai Latte:

Thank you.

I do not generally stop by Ebenezer’s (a cute, local coffee shop) because I do not drink coffee or many hot drinks. Today, I stopped by on my way home from a day well-spent at museums. I wanted a chai to warm me up and prepare me for an evening of writing a grant proposal and working on homework. I walked in and felt a little dreary and tired from walking all day. But, you quickly turned my evening around!

At first, you thought you had gotten in front of me in line. Once I assured you that everything was fine, you listened to what I ordered, watched me dig my wallet out of my backpack, and then told the cashier that you would be paying for my chai. I was in too much shock to disagree with you. Then, you asked if I wanted food to go along with my drink. I politely turned you down, while saying “thank you” for what seemed like one hundred times.

Thank you for reminding me how important it is to be kind. Thank you for being, not only generous, but the friendliest person I encountered all day. Thank you for reminding the cashier and me that it was not a “pay it forward” action, but an “every once in a while, it is nice to be nice” action because everyone should be nice every once in a while (as you said your dad tells you). Thank you for making my day.

As I sipped on my chai during my walk home, I could not help but to think of you for the entirety of my stroll. Why was I so surprised that you had been kind? Why was I in shock that a person would generously purchase a young woman’s unnecessary chai latte? Why did you choose to “be nice” to me, as you phrased your action?

You reminded me that we are all in need of love, kindness, friendship, and generosity. As I pondered about your generosity and friendliness, I thought about what it means to be in relationships with people; what it means to love your community; what it means to be thoughtful; what it means to go out of your way to make someone’s day a little better; and what it means to just be nice.

What a better place the world would be if everyone had traits similar to yours! My chai latte certainly did not change my life. But, your kindness and generosity did. Often times, I only think about “helping” those who are visibly or physically in need (such as the homeless community, immigrants who need translation services, or people with disabilities, etc). Maybe, if more folks like me acted, toward everyone in the world, the way you acted today, there would be less violence, hatred, greediness, and unkindness in the world…maybe, just maybe!

So, thank you to the kind woman at Ebenezer’s. Your action prompted me to think deeply. Generosity and friendliness radiated off of you. Now, I am going into the world, thinking about you and the relationships and actions I make each day.

With Peace,

To my followers:

I had already drafted a blog post about all of my favorite places in D.C. But, after this occurred today, I could not help but to reflect on it immediately. Favorite D.C. places soon to come….


View of the Capitol from the Newseum

Laughing, as usual, with my favorite Nueva Vida volunteer, Liliana from Colombia.

Nighttime in D.C. with my roommate and some of the boys from Mexico

This is the Indian Taco from the Native American Museum's cafe.

Hanging out at the White House...thanks to the Newseum :)

Photo op with John Boehner

My most favorite place...Union Market in NoMa

D.C. trip to the National Zoo!

Nighttime in D.C. with some friends!

Halloween well spent in Baltimore as a pirate :)

The art of Baltimore

Inner Harbor, Baltimore, MD

Indian food from the cutest Indian restaurant across the street from my apartment

2015 High Heel Drag Race with a friend from Puerto Rico

1 comment:

  1. Dear Caitlin,

    So glad to see a post on your blog and hear what you are doing and thinking. What a nice gesture that lady did and so inspiring. I loved reading how it made you feel! I always love doing something for someone secretively! Gives you a warm feeling and a hope that your gesture will go forward.

    Weather is definitely changing, a bit nippy at night, bird bath freezing overnight! I am never ready for winter! We have all the Harvest Table bags out and hope on the 22nd we have lots of non-perishables to take to the Food Pantry! Sunday before last we went to Indianapolis for the baptism of our youngest son's daughter and son. Our oldest son and his wife are the godparents, beautiful service! Don't know whether you know, both our sons converted to the Catholic Church, really got me yet I do understand. The public schools in Indy are not very good so as they happen to live in predominately Catholic neighborhoods and their school is very good they decided to do this for their children. Their priest is a really great guy and I actually see a bit of your Dad in him (his humor and good will and care). Ok, enough of that!

    Time seems to be going just too fast!!! Can't believe that in a little over 2 weeks it will be Thanksgiving and then Advent! Wow! What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Whether you come home or stay in D.C. I hope that you have a day of good food and great friends or family! We are going to Indy to Kyle's (our youngest)and John's youngest daughter, husband, son, & daughter will be there, it will be nice. It's our oldest (Scott) wife's family turn this year so they will be in Michigan.

    Well I seem to have done a lot of babbling about my family so maybe I should quit now...oh, forgot to mention that my niece is due November 14th!!! :-) So glad you are still enjoying and learning so much in D.C. Know that I think of you often and am so proud of you!

    Take care & love,
