Monday, April 6, 2015

AsoProLa and Altamira....Photo Reflection

Our ISEP group went on a service learning trip during our Spring Break. We drove about 6 hours to Altamira, Costa Rica. Altamira is a small, tight-knit, rural community. An organization called AsoProLa is based in Altamira and focuses on sustainability and use of local resources. We spent our week digging a huge hole for a tank for part of the coffee process, making bags of organic fertilizer, making a ceramic (the area is known for their ceramic art), painting a primary school, and spending time with our host families. We also went to hot springs nearby.

Friends in the hot spring

The river outside of the hot springs had a super strong current. This is my friend saving my life!

Randal, the ceramic artist

Meagan cooking

My bud

Group games and soccer with the children whose school we painted

My first time milking a cow

Our whole family woke up at 5:30am to milk the cows

We had a cooking lesson

Our cooking lesson was after our SOAKING WET ride in the back of the pick-up truck

Beautiful view from the farm where our cooking lesson took place

Our house

Even the bathrooms are decorated with ceramics!
Proof that I cooked, too.

Our Ceramic

My parent's granddaughter

Our "goodbye" consisted of lots of silly games.

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