Monday, April 13, 2015

Costa Rica A-Z: Part 1

Costa Rica A-Z
A-     Amazing…who knew I would be speaking Spanish, living in Costa Rica, being the person in charge of directions, and be expecting my mom to be here in two days, 5 years ago?
B-     Basilica de Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles (Basilica of Our Lady of Angels) is in Cartago, CR. I traveled there with my friends on Friday. The church has holy water, an intricate baptismal font, and a museum of offerings left by people for the Virgin of the Angels.
C-     Clouds. We live in the clouds. Every day, I am amazed by how close we are to the clouds. I dream into the clouds. I reach to the clouds…and I am almost there.
D-     Directions. I am in charge of directions. Costa Rica does not have addresses; they simply have “directions” of houses and of buildings that consist of local landmarks and colors of buildings. My host dad draws me maps and I listen to instructions and directions. Then, I guide my friends and me on our journeys. I have no sense of direction in the United States, but in Costa Rica, I am pretty good!
E-      Eggs. Eggs are a vital component of at least 2 out of 3 meals a day. I have come to love eggs.
F-      Fresh…fruit, vegetables, juice, meat, and eggs (my favorite juice is passion fruit and my host mom is kind enough to make it often, just for me!)
G-     Grammar. Spanish grammar is difficult! Spanish grammar is especially difficult because I do not know most of the meanings of the different times and uses in English. One day, I want to work with school systems (in the USA) to figure out a way to teach English grammar in a way that students learn the importance of it when they are young. One of my main goals in life is to promote and advocate for second language courses to be offered in every elementary school across the USA. But, if the students do not know English grammar, it is very difficult to learn grammar in another language. So, this is a challenge for me!
H-     Hot hot hot. Costa Rica is hot!!! Heredia has wind all the time. At night, Heredia is chilly. The beaches have wind, but the wind is hot! Altamira (the rural community) had no wind at all, but was cold at night.
I-        Improvement. Improvement could be the one word I use to describe my time in Costa Rica. My Spanish has improved immensely. As a person, I have improved. I am more calm (thanks to the Pura Vida lifestyle). My communication, level of patience, and level of understanding have all improved since I am living with a family.
J-       Jersey. Not a day goes by in which I do not pass numerous people wearing different soccer jerseys of the teams in Costa Rica. Soccer is a way of life in Costa Rica. I hope to attend a Heredia soccer game before I leave. My host mom is a die-hard Heredia soccer fan.
K-      Kisses or besos (on the cheek), are common to give when you greet people and to receive when you leave people.
L-       Lemons. Costa Rica grows sweet lemons and tart lemons. We have a tree of each in our backyard!

Train ride from Cartago to Heredia.

The ruins of the original church.

Cartago's Market

The Basilica

Holy Water

And to begin this week, a magical work of God in the sky this evening. This is my view as I blog from my back porch.

1 comment:

  1. I love this and can't wait till you continue, M is next!!! :-) What a beautiful country you are in and such warm people! Enjoy your Mom's visit and know that I am thinking of you.

    Take care and love,
