Tuesday, January 1, 2019

My New Year's Resolutions

How has it been a year since my last blog post? First New Year's Resolution: Write more often! So much has happened and changed over the last year, but one thing remains the same as when I wrote my last blog post about a year ago....I had a mouse in my house! Again! But, in all seriousness...2019 has begun and, of course, I am caught up in nostalgia and reflection!

As a child, I always made New Year's Resolutions with my sisters, grandparents, and cousins. When we spent NYE together, Grandmother and Grandfather had us write down our resolutions (we did this even when we did not spend NYE together and we must have emailed our final resolutions to Grandfather or shared them over the phone or something). A couple of weeks into the new year, we each received a fancy piece of paper in the mail that had a combined list with each of our resolutions typed on it. (I now find myself wondering where my parents or Grandmother stored these papers...I am sure that they are saved somewhere).

I am quite positive that my resolutions as a child looked different from the ones that I make as an adult and often do not see through! So for 2019, I am trying to set realistic expectations for myself. I want to be my best self and so my resolutions will hopefully support me with that! This year, I plan to print my resolutions on a nice sheet of paper just like Grandfather and Grandmother used to do!

Caitlin's New Year's Resolutions: 2019...Year of Happiness and Health

1. Complete the January Whole30 and move into the rest of the year knowing how food affects my body. Develop a more positive relationship with food.

2. Practice patience.

3. Explore my faith more.

4. Find a place to volunteer and be a consistent and constant presence with folks in that place. Be an active citizen.

5. Read at least a few pages of a book and write at least two sentences in a journal (my Line A Day Journal) each night before bed.

6. Run some 5Ks.

7. Write and send more letters and blog posts.

8. Join a professional organization.

9. Enjoy some weekend trips.

10. Listen to podcasts.

11. Be present.

To a happy and healthy 2019 for all...cheers!