Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Last Week....Wait, What!?

The Last Week...Wait, What?!
     I only have one week and two days left in Washington D.C. I am stressed and bogged down with tons of classwork. I am sad to leave my internship. I am excited about applying for jobs in the D.C. Metropolitan area. I am eager to come back and live here for a while so I can do everything on my to-do list! I am mostly in shock that this semester has gone by so quickly. I have never experienced a semester in which I was not a little (or a lot) homesick nor where I just wanted the semester to continue. But in D.C., I do want my semester-long internship to last forever!!

     I promise to post reflections and much more information once I arrive home to Ohio in two weeks. I had a very nice Thanksgiving break in Ohio and was able to relax and not do any schoolwork :) Now, onto interning, doing homework, soaking up the holiday season in D.C., and enjoying every last second of #LifeAsAnIntern in D.C.!

My awesome group for my Nonprofit Leadership and Management course. We work with a hypothetical nonprofit organization called the Springbrook Art Museum. We create everything that a nonprofit needs, but for our nonprofit!

Telemundo's Health Fair with Nueva Vida

One of my coworkers made gallo pinto just for me. I am really going to miss my job.

"Kiss Me, Kate" at The Shakespeare Theater

Meridian Hill Park


Maria's mom visited from Puerto Rico and made DELICIOUS soup and coquito...the Puerto Rican eggnog.

Maria and Me

My favorite place to eat lunch during lunch breaks is a tiny little place that has the most AMAZING crab cakes and all organic and local salads.

Latin Thanksgiving is the best Thanksgiving ever...complete with pupsas! I joined our survivor's support group from Nueva Vida for their Thanksgiving feast.

A chicken in my cousin's front yard. I loved meeting all of my O'Bannon family members during my trip to Culpeper.

Grandmother Helen and Grandfather Dick O'Bannon

Cousin Dot...the funniest lady on the face of this earth.
The view from a cousin's house.

Culpeper from the train station.

Alexandria's Harbor

Selfie with Dante

Loving the movie theater seats

Greene with Momma

I helped Mom teach Sunday School

No trip home is complete without....Santa?

Thanksgiving Selfie

Always make room for your best friend.